About the ReStore
Our ReStore Mission
Putting surplus home improvement materials to good use by accepting them as donations and selling them rather than having them added to area landfills.
Providing high-quality, useable home improvement materials at low cost to homeowners and landlords for the improvement of housing in the area.
Using the profits created by these sales to help provide funding for the building of Habitat homes.
Being a positive, visible reminder to the community of Harbor Habitat's work through excellent service to customers and donors.
We Accept
Living room, bedroom furniture, and some office furniture.
Paint & Stain
Unused and unopened paint and stain.
New and used. Must be in working condition. Check with us for refrigerators, stoves, and freezer availability.
Cabinets & Lighting
Kitchen and bathroom cabinets.
Interior and exterior lights. Ceiling fans, lamps, and more.
Doors & Windows
Interior and exterior doors.
Double-paned windows.
Plumbing & Eletrical
Sinks, faucets, and hardware.
Electrical outlets, boxes, faceplates, wiring, PVC fittings, and more

2302 Plaza Dr.
Benton Harbor, MI 49022
9am-6 pm
10am-3 pm

Need a pickup? Call into the ReStore to schedule!
(269) 927-0006
Donations must be placed in the driveway, garage, or at the curb.

Please make sure donations are free of rips, stains, and pet hair.
If you are donating or purchasing large items please be sure to bring someone to help you load or unload your items.